Salami Krakowskie

Salami Krakowskie is a dry cured, smoked and baked sausage. Although salami is of Italian origin, almost every country has its own version and Poland is no exception. Salami Krakowskie like Krakowska sausage owes its name to the region of Kraków (Cracow), one of the oldest cities in Poland.

lean pork (ham, butt)750 g1.65 lbs.
pork fat trimmings (ham, butt, back fat)250 g0.55 lb.
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of meat
salt18 g3 tsp.
Cure #22.5 g½ tsp.
pepper2.0 g1 tsp.
garlic3.5 g1 clove
  1. Cut meat and fat into 2” (5 - 6 cm) pieces. Add salt, Cure # 2, garlic and pepper and mix well.
  2. Grind mixture through 3/16” (4 mm) plate. Pack ground meat tightly into suitable containers (stainless steel, food grade plastic) and cover with a layer of skins or butcher paper. Keep for 10 - 14 days at 35º - 39º F (2º - 4º C).
  3. Stuff into 60 mm beef middles or synthetic fibrous casings, make straight links 40 - 45 cm long. Pack the meat very tightly to eliminate air pockets. Make 10 - 12 cm loop at one end for hanging.
  4. Hang for two hours in a well ventilated area.
  5. Smoking: apply a thin cold smoke at ~ 64º F (18º C) for 12 hours.
  6. Drying: hang in a shaded well ventilated area at 50º - 54º F (10 - 12º C,) 80 - 85 % humidity for 5 - 6 weeks until salami develops white mold on outside. In case the mold becomes wet and green in color wash the sausages with warm salty water and wipe them dry. Dry salami until it loses 35 % of its original weight.
  7. Hold in a dry place.

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1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes offers a collection of the world’s greatest sausage recipes. Finding a reliable recipe on the internet becomes harder every day. To gain income from advertising clicks, the majority of large web sites generate thousands of so-called “sausage recipes” and when people search for “sausage recipes” they usually get recipes of dishes with sausages, but not actually how to make them. Unfortunately, the vital information about meat selection, ingredients and processing steps is usually missing.

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