Saucisson aux Noisettes (Dry Sausage with Hazelnuts)

Because of their wonderful flavor hazelnuts are used to produce such famous products like Nutella™ spread or Ferrero Rocher™ chocolates. When mixed with meat hazelnuts release their aroma during drying period creating a wonderful dry sausage. Hazelnuts have strong antioxidant properties and are excellent for health.
Lean pork, no connective tissue750 g1.65 lb
Back fat or hard fat trimmings100 g0.22 lb
Hazelnuts150 g0.33 lb
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of materials
Salt28 g4.5 tsp
Cure #22.5 g1/2 tsp
Dextrose2.0 g1/2 tsp
Sugar3.0 g1/2 tsp
Pepper2.0 g1 tsp
Nutmeg1.0 g1/2 tsp
Cinnamon0.5 g1/4 tsp
Cloves0.25 g1/8 tsp
T-SPX culture0.12 guse scale
  1. Grind lean meat into 3/8” (8 mm) particles.
  2. Cut partially frozen back fat into 1/4 (6 mm) cubes.
  3. Dissolve starter culture in 1 tablespoon de-chlorinated water.
  4. Mix ground meats with salt and cure #2 until sticky. Add spices, culture, whole hazelnuts, chopped fat and mix again.
  5. Stuff firmly into 60 mm pork bungs forming sections 20-30 cm (8-12") long.
  6. Ferment at 20° C (68° F) for 72 hours, 90-85% humidity.
  7. Dry at 16 → 12° C (60-54° F), 85 → 80% humidity for 30 days. The sausage is dried until around 30% in weight is lost.
  8. Store sausages at 10-15° C (50-59° F), <75% humidity.

Available from Amazon

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes offers a collection of the world’s greatest sausage recipes. Finding a reliable recipe on the internet becomes harder every day. To gain income from advertising clicks, the majority of large web sites generate thousands of so-called “sausage recipes” and when people search for “sausage recipes” they usually get recipes of dishes with sausages, but not actually how to make them. Unfortunately, the vital information about meat selection, ingredients and processing steps is usually missing.

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