Poultry Bouillon Head Cheese or Gelatine (Poultry Head Cheese or Meat Jelly)

This traditional meat jelly and head cheese recipe comes from The Art of German Cooking and Baking by Lina Meier, 1922. Instead of chicken you may use veal roast, tongue, or goose liver from which all hard fried meat and cartilage is removed.

  • 1 young, fried or boiled chicken
  • 3/4 qt. good beef bouillon
  • 2 Tbsp of Madeira or white wine
  • 1/2 tsp of meat extract
  • 5 layers of 1/2 box of white gelatine
  • 2 sour pickles
  1. The fried chicken is cut into small pieces, the pickles are peeled and sliced. The strong beef broth is heated and the gelatin i dissolved in it with wine, meat extract and salt added, then strained and tasted as to seasoning. Put 1/4 pint of the warm fluid into a porcelain dish, skim off all fat, let it get cold and put on the sliced pickles and a few tablespoons of broth, let it cool, arrange the chicken meat on it in the form of scales, pour the rest of the broth on and let it get cold and stiff. Then turn it out on a platter and garnish with parsley. Asparagus cut into small pieces may also be used in this gelatin.
Instead of chicken you may use veal roast, tongue, or goose liver from which all hard fried meat and cartilage is removed.

How to Prepare Gelatin:
4 lbs of pork skin; 4 lbs of pigs’ feet; 6 quarts of water; 7 whites of eggs and the shells; 1 quart of white wine; juice of 3 lemons.

Preparation: The pork skins and pigs’ feet are cleaned well in cold water, then put in cold water and brought to boil. As soon as they begin to boil, pour this water off and cut the skins into small pieces, chop the feet into several pieces and put on the stove with 6 quarts of cod water to boil for 7 hours. The feet may be taken out before this time if you wish to use them for a meal. The broth must boil down to 2-1/2 quarts, this is strained through a fine sieve, set aside to cool, and all fat removed from the top. Whites of eggs, wine and lemon juice are thoroughly beaten together; the egg shells are crushed and all this put into the broth. Then put the broth over the fire once more and stir constantly until it boils. Remove at once, cover up the pot and place in a moderate oven until the liquid is perfectly clarified. Put a clean white cloth over a pot and strain the broth through it. This must be clear as water. Put into glass jars, seal and set them in a boiler with water at the bottom, the jars resting on a tray. Cover the kettle and boil for 1 hour. This gelatin will keep and may be used for sweet or sour gelatin. The pigs’ feet may be served with a brown sweet-sour gravy. They may be cold if put in vinegar, onion slices,salt and peppercorns for 2 days.

To produce a head cheese sausage: stuff the meat and 10-20% meat stock broth into pork stomach or 100 mm synthetic casing. Cook in water at 85° C (185° F) for 90-180 min (depending on size) until meat reaches 68-70° C (154-158° F) internal temperature. Spread head cheeses on a flat surface and let the steam out. Flatten stomachs with weight and cool to 6° C (43° F) or lower. Clean head cheeses of any fat and aspic on the surface, and cut off excess twine. Refrigerate.

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1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes offers a collection of the world’s greatest sausage recipes. Finding a reliable recipe on the internet becomes harder every day. To gain income from advertising clicks, the majority of large web sites generate thousands of so-called “sausage recipes” and when people search for “sausage recipes” they usually get recipes of dishes with sausages, but not actually how to make them. Unfortunately, the vital information about meat selection, ingredients and processing steps is usually missing.

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